The City of New Bedford has once again conducted its annual “Point In Time” (PIT) count creating a census of those individuals and families experiencing homelessness within the city, both sheltered (living in emergency or transitional housing) and unsheltered (on the streets/in places not meant for human habitation). Concurrent with that is the development of the city’s “Housing Inventory Count” (HIC) that provides an inventory of specific emergency, transitional and permanent housing opportunities for those experiencing homelessness in New Bedford.
This year the methodology used in undertaking the PIT was modified by a vote of the HSPN’s Executive Committee in order to account for the challenges of the COVID-19 public health emergency. Among the changes this year was the elimination of the volunteer corps that has been the hallmark of the PIT outreach efforts and in its place, the exclusive reliance upon the city’s professional Street Outreach Team through member agency Steppingstone who did an outstanding job and to whom the Continuum is grateful.
The results from the 2021 PIT are submitted to the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) each year and they provide the local HSPN with important information about homelessness at a given time.
Checkout the powerpoint presentation available here: PIT and HIC 2021 PRESENTATION.
For a snapshot look at some 2021 data, take a look at this year’s infographic available here: PIT 2021 INFOGRAPHIC