The City of New Bedford’s HSPN has received, reviewed and voted on the 2023 Final CoC Rank and Order of Projects. the HSPN’s Performance Review Committee (PRC) comprised of HSPN members with no relationship–financial or otherwise–to any of the applicants for funding in the FY2023 round received, reviewed, vetted, evaluated, scored and ranked all applications for this competition. This year the PRC’s review included individual interviews/presentations from all projects.
There were two new applications received in this competition round, one from an agency with an existing renewal project and a second from a new applicant with no past CoC projects. Given this, the CoC is able to take advantage of the CoC Bonus Funding. However, there was no project for the DV Bonus. In this funding round two renewal projects were designated for reallocation.
Seven renewal applications were reviewed, five of which were for permanent supportive housing (PSH) programs, one for the continuum’s Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) and one of which was for the continuum’s Coordinated Entry System. Reallocated funding was used to expand the CoC’s Coordinated Entry project as well as supplement the CoC Bonus dollars in funding/ranking the two new projects, one of which was for Permanent Supportive Housing and the second for Rapid ReHousing.
At its August 24, 2023 meeting, the HSPN membership carefully reviewed and heard the recommendation of the PRC following a PowerPoint presentation (a copy of which is available here: LOOKING AT THE 2023 COC FUNDING ROUND overviewing this year’s Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) and considerations relative to the competition, HUD policy and program priorities, funding, the process undertaken locally and the ranking recommendation. In a unanimous vote, the HSPN membership accepted the report of the PRC and its recommendation for ranking in the 2023 CoC Competition.
The final CoC Rank and Order of Projects is available here: FY2023 PROJECT RANKING.